Turn heads, Say Hey!

Best Social Media Agency in Toronto, Canada


At Hey Socials, you’re hiring a group of talented hype women ready to amp up your social media presence so you can be heard, even from the back of the room. Partner with the best social media agency in Toronto, Canada now!




Our Services

Social Media Management

From casual followers to devoted fans. In a world where connectivity reigns supreme, every interaction holds immense significance.

That’s why we’re here, crafting social presences that ignite captivating conversations and drive impactful conversions.

Influencer Marketing Services Toronto

Influencer Marketing

Storytelling is the ultimate sales tool, and guess who’s leading the charge? Influencers.

Here’s where we come in: we’re the experts at connecting you with those perfect-fit partners who will create some serious buzz for your brand. Get ready for authentic and well-deserved attention.

Community Management Services Toronto

Community Management

How would you describe your DMs and comments? Is it like wrangling eight screaming kids?

We’re social media savvy, not babysitters, but never-ending questions is right up our alley. We’re confident and capable of engaging customers and entertaining them with something better than a baby rattle.

How daunting...

Social media never feels crowded but these numbers keep rising.

1 Billion

On Instagram

4.89 billion

Estimated total
social media users

2.8 billion

On Facebook

Don't sweat. We're setting our minds to get
you seen and heard through all this noise.



We’re the dream
social team

Best social media agency in Toronto, Canada


Get ready to meet the dynamic force behind our social media agency! We’re not just leaders, storytellers, and strategists, but we’re also a passionate bunch.

We wholeheartedly support and champion fierce female business owners like you. In fact, we’re so dedicated to empowering women in the business world that we donate 1% of our annual profit to startups run and developed by talented women.

Consider HeySocials, the top social media agency in Canada, as your strategic partner, your secret weapon in the social media realm. We’re here to navigate the ever-changing landscape and help your brand stand out from the crowd. Let’s dive in!





Fluff-free Packages