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Personal Bankruptcy Support

With over 25 years of bankruptcy experience, and 10 years as a Bankruptcy Trustee for the Bankruptcy Court, The Wright Law Alliance, P.C. has the experience and expertise to Georgia residents through all of the bankruptcy processes for the Bankruptcy Court. Learn More
car-accident-help-wright-law-alliance Have you been an a car accident and need help getting back onto the road to recovery? Let's talk more about how we can help you.

Personal Injury Attorney

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business bankruptcy help wright law alliance

Need Business Support?

Call Us Today. The Wright Law Alliance has the experienced to help you figure out what to do if your business is in financial trouible. Call us today for your free consultation.

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the-wright-law wright-law-alliance-atlanta-bankruptcy-lawyer-1 Business Bankruptcy Support With over 25 years of bankruptcy experience, and 10 years as a Bankruptcy Trustee for the Bankruptcy Court, The Wright Law Alliance, P.C. has the experience and expertise to help your business through the bankruptcy processes with the Bankruptcy Court. Learn More

  • Has COVID-19 affected your ability to responsibly address your bills?
  • Are delays in your unemployment check making life unbearable?

Let’s see together how we can find you some financial peace. Schedule your complimentary consultation today.

The Wright Law Alliance has helped Georgia residents as a bankruptcy lawyer for over 25 years. We specialize in personal bankruptcy, business bankruptcy, and several other areas of practice listed below. Looking for a way to restart your financial future? We have a solution that can help you. Call us today for your complimentary consultation.

Check out this free article on Bankruptcy Help for business.


With over 23 years of bankruptcy experience, and 10 years as a Bankruptcy Trustee for the Bankruptcy Court, The Wright Law Alliance, P.C. has the….

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personal injury attorney in atlanta

If your business is having financial challenges, Chapter 11 bankruptcy may be the right tool to reorganize and even eliminate debt. Chapter 11 bankruptcy is….

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We are a Bankruptcy and debt relief agency. We help people file for Bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.



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We handle different kinds of personal injury cases, including car accidents, truck wrecks, pedestrian accidents, medical malpractice, slip and fall, and criminal attacks at businesses and apartment complexes. Got injured at work? We can help.

medical-malpractice lawyer


When we seek medical help, we place our trust in the doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers caring for us. Most of these providers live….

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car accident attorney in atlanta


In the Atlanta area and throughout Georgia, pedestrians risk injury every day from collisions with vehicles driven by speeding and ….

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Dog bite lawyer


Dog bites and other animal bites can be traumatic experiences, resulting in serious physical and emotional injuries, disfiguring wounds and scars….

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Slip and Fall/Criminal Attack


In Georgia, businesses and owners of property have a duty to protect the community from dangerous conditions on their….

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If you’re facing financial troubles, talking with a bankruptcy lawyer near you could help. Georgia residents are dreading having to declare bankruptcy because of COVID-19 but their future is at stake. With few options remaining it may be the best option to protect your financial future. There comes a time when talking to a bankruptcy lawyer may be the only safe way out of your financial troubles. Financial distress can affect many people during an economic recession and depression. It’s how you respond that makes all the difference. When things turn dire, talking with us can be the lifeline you’re looking for.

Filling for bankruptcy can help you slow down the harassing calls from creditors. Some may think it is a simple process but filing for bankruptcy can be quite complex. You can file on your own or have an experienced bankruptcy lawyer help. There are many bankruptcy lawyers in Atlanta who say they can help but few who can get you the results you need. We can help and we’re dedicated to helping you end your debt and protect your financial future.

How common is bankruptcy?

Before 2020, cases of bankruptcy had been on a steady decline. Yet, experts are predicting there may be a surge in the number of cases in the coming months. The uncertainty that hovers around COVID-19 will unfortunately force many people into bankruptcy.

The most common type of bankruptcy, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13

There are several forms of bankruptcy that one can file to find financial relief. The most common are chapter 7 and chapter 13. Chapter 7 is where you ask the courts to discharge all your debt. A successful chapter 7 filing will discharge your unsecured debt. This doesn’t apply to student loans as of this post. There are certain things you can keep during and after the bankruptcy. This will depend on what the court decides.

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But, chapter 13 is all about paying your debt at a later date. Filing a chapter 13 means that you have the money or abilities to repay the debt but at a later date. A successful chapter 13 filing will buy you time while you reorganize your finances . (Real the full article here.)

  • graduation-tips-wright-law-alliance

Financial Tips For College Graduates

September 7th, 2021|7 Comments

You're in the home stretch of your senior year and the next chapter of your life is about to begin, congratulations! We'd like to share with you some financial tips since you are on your [...]

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions:

Does bankruptcy help or hurt my credit?

Bankruptcies generally help improve your credit as they can eliminate all of your debt (Chapter 7) or they’ll combine your debt and reduce it (Chapter 13). The exception to this is if you have federal student loans. Creditors are always looking for credit-worthy customers and this process can help. Did you know your credit can rebound within a year or two after a bankruptcy discharge? The key is being more responsible and living below your means.

Can creditors still call/text me when I’ve filed for bankruptcy protection?

No, they cannot contact you. By law when you file for bankruptcy protection creditors have to stop calling you. If they do call they are in violation of the bankruptcy automatic stay and you can contact the Wright Law Alliance to assist with the situation.

How fast can my bankruptcy be filed?

Once we have all of the information we’ve requested from you we can file the same day or the next day (Excluding weekends and holidays). We will file your case through the Bankruptcy Court’s online filing system.

Once I’ve filed for bankruptcy when can I start building my credit?

Once the bankruptcy discharge is complete you can begin rebuilding your credit. If the bankruptcy discharge is completed next Monday, you can begin rebuilding your credit next Monday. As mentioned in the last question the goal is to be more responsible and this might mean starting with one credit card versus trying to get 5. Any questions you have along the way we’ll answer.

Do I get to keep my home, car, and possessions in a bankruptcy?

The goal of bankruptcy is to give you a fresh start or breathing room (time) to get your finances in order. If you want to keep your home or car we can help with that or if you want to walk away gracefully we can help you accomplish that as well. Your possessions are yours and our goal is to do our best to position you to be able to keep what belongs to you. Keeping your home, car, and possessions are benefits of filing for bankruptcy with the Wright Law Alliance.

After filing bankruptcy will I be able to purchase a home again? If so, how soon?

Yes, you will be able to purchase a home again. Challenges happen and many people have been affected directly or indirectly as a result of COVID-19. You could try applying for a home a year after a successful bankruptcy discharge but we think an ideal number is 2-3 years. This gives you time to build a strong credit track record. If you have further questions we'd be more than happy to talk with you 1 to 1.

How much does a bankruptcy cost?

The Wright Law Alliance is an affordable bankruptcy law firm. The cost will vary as each of our client's situations are different in scope and complexity. We love complex cases, we’ve got a really good track record.