
A Full Suite of Dental Services

From children to young adults, to those nearing the century mark and beyond, we're your dentist of choice in Lynbrook.


Dr Rash Patel DDS, FAGD, FICOI

About Us

Cosmetic Dentistry

Everyone wants a beautiful smile. Today’s dentistry lets us have the smile we choose, not just the smile we were born with. Cosmetic dentistry is all about getting the smile that you want. It goes beyond the procedures that a person needs for a healthy mouth, and provides choices for all of us to improve the appearance of our smiles. Dr. Patel and his dental team welcome patients from throughout the Lynbrook, Rockville Centre, East Rockaway, Oceanside, Baldwin, Franklin Square, Malverne, Hewlett, 5 Towns, Island Park, Long Beach and surrounding areas to get the beautiful smile they want.

Your smile makes a major impact on your first impression. What do other people see in your smile? An attractive smile makes us look and feel youthful, healthy, successful and confident. A positive change in your smile will have a dramatic effect, helping you personally, socially and professionally.

Cosmetic dentistry was once thought reserved for celebrities, who always need to look their best. Today, the latest in cosmetic dentistry is available right in our community, making it accessible to people from all walks of life. What’s keeping you from your dream smile?

Take a look at your smile in the mirror. What would you like to change? Modern dentistry gives you a choice, so there is no reason to settle for less.

State of the art care is available now, right here in our community. Learn more about what the options are, and how modern cosmetic dentistry can change your life.

Modern cosmetic dentistry gives you a choice. Choose to have the smile you’ve always wanted.


Our Services

Family Dentistry of Lynbrook Services

We have a full range of dental services, from check ups to crowns and more. Click through to learn more about our specialty areas.

Everyone wants a beautiful smile. Today's dentistry lets us have the smile we choose, not just the smile we were born with. Cosmetic dentistry is all about getting the smile that you want. It goes beyond the procedures that a person needs for a healthy mouth, and provides choices for all of us to improve the appearance of our smiles. Call Dr. Patel of Lynbrook today to discuss how we can help achieve your dream smile.

Your smile makes a major impact on your first impression. What do other people see in your smile? An attractive smile makes us look and feel youthful, healthy, successful and confident. A positive change in your smile will have a dramatic effect, helping you personally, socially and professionally.

Cosmetic dentistry was once thought reserved for celebrities, who always need to look their best. Today, the latest in cosmetic dentistry is available right in our community, making it accessible to people from all walks of life. What's keeping you from your dream smile?

Modern cosmetic dentistry gives you a choice. Choose to have the smile you've always wanted:

To eliminate chips, cracks, and stains:

Bonding is a one-appointment procedure to resurface a damaged tooth

Composite and Porcelain Veneers can transform a smile

To fix crooked teeth and gaps:

Skilled dentists use Bonding to shape teeth and eliminate spacing problems

Veneers can deliver a dramatic transformation

To replace missing teeth:

Modern dentistry offers a variety of Specialty Dentures (Full or partial)

The latest Crowns and Bridges are almost indistinguishable from natural teeth

Implants offer the best in permanent tooth replacement

To correct gummy smiles and uneven or receding gums

Gum Recontouring quickly delivers a natural, attractive gum line.

To replace metal with tooth-colored fillings and crowns

Cosmetic Fillings (Tooth-colored Fillings) look more natural and attractive

To whiten and brighten your smile:

The most effective and longest-lasting Whitening solutions available

Bonding covers trouble spots quickly and painlessly

Totally transform your smile with Veneers

A complete Smile Makeover:

Dr. Patel can give you your dream smile with a total Smile makeover

Dr. Patel recommends that certain procedures be performed at regular dental visits as part of your proper dental hygiene. This preventative dentistry prevents problems before they start, corrects routine problems before they worsen, and identifies serious oral problems so they can be properly treated.


Regular dental cleanings by Dr. Patel or his dental hygienist are part of a proper oral hygiene program. Cleanings help fight plaque, the major cause of tooth decay, gingivitis and serious gum disease.

Dental Exams

Regular dental exams are a crucial part of preventative dentistry because they allow Dr. Patel to address dental problems in their early stages, and to identify serious problems. Most people need an exam every six months, but Dr. Patel may recommend more frequent visits depending on your circumstances.


Polishing is often the last step of a dental cleaning, scaling, and some restorative procedures. It smoothes and polishes teeth or restoration surface and removes some stains.


Plaque that remains on teeth eventually hardens into tartar, which is virtually impossible to remove with brushing and flossing alone. Scaling is the deep-cleaning procedure Dr. Patel or hygienist uses to scrape the tartar off your teeth at and below the gumline.


X-rays take pictures called radiographs that show Dr. Patel the interior of dental structures and tissues, like teeth, gums and bones. These allow him to make a more thorough examination than is possible with the naked eye, and can help spot problems that would otherwise go undetected and untreated.

The health of your mouth affects the health of your whole body. When you have a dental problem, it is best to have Dr. Patel give you a thorough examination and then an explanation of all the options offered by modern dentistry.

The good news is that you are taking the first step to get your mouth and your body back into good health. And you are not alone! Millions of people have experienced the same problems, and improved their condition with the help and care of Dr. Patel.

Common Dental Problems

Abscessed tooth

An abscess is a painful condition caused by an infection in a badly damaged or decayed tooth.

Bad Breath (halitosis)

Halitosis or bad breath is a common, but embarrassing condition that often has a dental cause.

Cavities and Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the process of a tooth's mineral content being dissolved. A cavity, or caries, is the actual hole in a tooth that is caused by tooth decay.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is caused by an inadequate supply of saliva. This is usually due to medication side effects but may have other causes.


Fluorosis is a defect in tooth enamel caused by excessive fluoride in young children. It typically looks like white streaks or spots in teeth.

Gum Disease (Gingivitis)

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that is usually caused by plaque. It is the earliest and most easily treated form of gum disease, as it only affects the gums, but it must be treated to avoid more serious gum disease.

Impacted/Wisdom Teeth

An impacted tooth is one that fails to properly emerge through the gums. Dr. Patel will recommend extraction of impacted wisdom teeth if they pose a problem for your mouth and other teeth.

Jaw Disorders

Most problems with the jaw come from the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the muscles that help you chew. Dr. Patel has treatments that can ease this pain and discomfort.

Oral Cancer

Early detection is the key to successful treatment of oral cancers, so Dr. Patel is the first line of defense. Ask him about oral cancer screening at your next regular visit.

Periodontal Disease (Periodontitis)

Periodontitis is an advanced gum disease. While gingivitis, the earlier stage, affects only the gums, periodontitis is an infection that has spread to surrounding tissue, including tooth and bone.


Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that coats teeth. When we eat, plaque reacts with the food in our mouth and releases acids that eat away at teeth enamel, causing tooth decay.

Sensitive Teeth

Tooth Sensitivity is a very common problem that can be treated effectively by Dr. Patel with different products and techniques. It occurs when gums have receded or tooth enamel is worn down to reveal the sensitive parts of the tooth.

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Bruxism is either the clenching or grinding of teeth or both of them together. Dr. Patel will often recommend a mouth appliance to prevent damage to your teeth, and stress reduction to change the behavior.


There are many possible causes for a toothache. Two of the most common dental causes are the presence of a cavity or an abscess. Some of the other causes of toothache are quite serious, so you should certainly consult Dr. Patel for a proper diagnosis.

Dr. Patel has designed his practice for people like you, so that you and your family can get state of the art care from an office that cares. We always welcome new patients, so feel free to call our office to make an appointment or just to introduce yourself. We are proud to offer the services listed below.

Same Day Emergency Dental Care

Dr. Patel understands that emergencies don't always wait for appointments. That's why he offers same-day emergency dental care. Just call the office number and make sure we understand that your case is an emergency. We will do our best to make time for you that same day.

Advanced Dental Technology

Dr. Patel uses the most advanced dental technology and state-of-the-art equipment to serve you and your family. Every year, Dr. Patel continues his education with additional training on the latest in dentistry so our community can continue to have the best care available.

Children - Care and Prevention

In addition to the primary goals of preventing tooth decay and gum disease, children have special needs for their developing teeth. Dr. Patel will discuss a care and prevention plan that addresses these special needs and promotes good dental hygiene for the whole family.

Adults - Care and Prevention

Proper oral hygiene and regular visits to Dr. Patel are the two best defenses against plaque, the root of most dental problems. Dr. Patel encourages adult care and prevention that is focused on the fight against plaque, the preservation of natural tooth structure, and early detection and treatment of serious oral problems.

Laser Dentistry

Dr. Patel is always looking for ways to make your experience more comfortable and more convenient. Laser can do both of these, making it one of the most exciting new advances in dentistry. Ask Dr. Patel how lasers can help you get a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile.

A dentist, when you really think about it, is a doctor of the mouth. When most people think of dentistry, they think of the most common procedures that are most familiar, like exams, filling cavities, or even cosmetic procedures like whitening. Dr. Patel also has a number of specialized treatment options, each designed for a specific component of your overall oral health.

Ask Dr. Patel about treatment when you experience any of the following:

When your smile has gaps and crooked teeth:

Braces are easier and more user-friendly than ever

The latest in braces technology is Invisalign, braces that are virtually invisible

When your back teeth are especially prone to cavities:

Sealants cover the chewing surface of teeth to keep out the plaque

When a tooth is very seriously damaged:

Modern Root Canal techniques are designed to save natural tooth structure with procedures that keep you more comfortable than you ever thought possible

When a tooth can't be saved, or wisdom teeth need to be removed extractions can be done quickly and with little discomfort. There is no need to worry with modern Wisdom Tooth Removal.

A tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth, a safe and routine procedure that is no cause for worry. If extraction is recommended, for a wisdom tooth or any other tooth, Dr. Patel will explain why this is the best course of action for the health of your mouth.

What is tooth extraction?

A tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth, a safe and routine procedure that is no cause for worry. Sometimes it is referred to as “pulling teeth”. Dr. Patel may perform the procedure right in his office, or under certain circumstances refer you to an oral surgeon.

Why would I need an extraction?

Dr. Patel may recommend extraction for a number of reasons, including:

- The tooth is so badly decayed that it cannot be saved and the mouth would be healthier without it

- The tooth has been broken in a way that cannot be repaired

- A tooth is impacted, which means it has not properly emerged through the gums. This often happens with wisdom teeth.

- A tooth is positioned in away that it could crowd or damage other teeth

- Removal in preparation for braces or orthodontic treatment

- Very serious gum disease, called periodontitis

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are actually your third set of molars, the chewing teeth towards the back of your mouth. They typically emerge, or erupt, in one’s late teen or early twenties. If there is room in the jaw to accommodate them, and they emerge fully and straight, without crowding other teeth, then there is no need to remove them.

Why would wisdom teeth need to be extracted?

Though there is nothing inherently wrong with wisdom teeth, they are often removed so that they don’t cause problems for your other teeth and the rest of your mouth. Wisdom teeth often get impacted, which means they did not fully or properly emerge through the gums. Partially emerged teeth can be difficult to clean, which leads to plaque accumulation and tooth decay. Teeth that are not positioned straight can cause comfort issue and crowd existing teeth. Ask Dr. Patel to show you your wisdom teeth on the x-ray and explain how their positioning affects your mouth.

What can I expect from an extraction?

While it may sound like a scary procedure, modern dentistry has made the procedure routine, with minimal discomfort. Make sure to share any concerns you have with Dr. Patel. Extractions are performed with anesthesia which numbs the area of the mouth around the tooth to be extracted, so while you will feel some pressure from the procedure, there should be little or no pain. If you have trouble getting numb, or have dental fears that make you uncomfortable with dentistry, discuss this ahead of time with Dr. Patel. It may be possible to use sedation dentistry to keep you relaxed and comfortable throughout the whole procedure. Once you are comfortable, the procedure is usually relatively quick. Afterwards, Dr. Patel will give you instructions on keeping the removal area clean and helping the area properly heal. It is important to carefully follow these instructions to prevent infection or other complications. He may also discuss the benefits of and options for tooth replacement, including partial dentures, bridges and dental implants.

What alternatives do I have to extraction?

This really depends on your particular circumstances, so it is best to ask Dr. Patel whether there are any alternatives. Depending on the circumstances it may be possible to repair a damaged tooth with a crown and/or a root canal instead of extracting it. While extraction may seem initially like the least expensive option, Dr. Patel will probably recommend replacing the extracted tooth. An extracted tooth that is not replaced can leave a gap that causes problems for the surrounding teeth and potentially affecting your bite. If it is an option, repairing and saving the tooth may end up being less expensive than extracting and replacing that same tooth with partial dentures, bridges or dental implants. Ask Dr. Patel to explain all the options, and why extraction is or is not recommended.

Dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces tooth roots with metal, screwlike posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones. Dental implant surgery can offer a welcome alternative to dentures or bridgework that doesn't fit well. If you have missing or broken teeth, schedule a consult today to see if Implants are for you.

Orthodontic treatment corrects a “bad bite” by exerting a gentle pressure over time to straighten teeth. Modern braces are much less noticeable, and some patients can even be treated with practically invisible braces, called Invisalign®.

What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics is the dental specialty for treating malocclusion, the condition commonly referred to as “bad bite”. Orthodontic treatment works by exerting a gentle pressure over time to straighten teeth. The braces that exert this pressure are fitted by dental specialists called orthodontists.

How do braces work?

Orthodontic treatment works by exerting a gentle pressure over time to straighten teeth. Braces exert this pressure with brackets that attach to teeth and arch wires that run from bracket to bracket. Modern dentistry has made this hardware much smaller and less visible. In some cases, Dr. Patel can use brackets and wires that are transparent or attach behind the teeth. Invisalign® is a newer technology that uses clear appliances that look like mouthguards. Ask Dr. Patel what technology is recommended for your particular circumstances.

Why do some people have a bad bite?

Most malocclusions or “bad bites” are hereditary. These inherited problems include too much space between teeth, missing teeth, extra teeth, crowded teeth, as well as various jaw issues. Some malocclusions are acquired through prolonged thumb-sucking, early or late loss of baby teeth, or accidents. However the malocclusion developed, Dr. Patel can recommend orthodontic treatment that corrects it.

Should I get braces?

Dr. Patel knows that braces are a very reliable way to improve the appearance of your smile. This improvement may affect more than just your appearance as it can make you feel more attractive and more confident. He wants you to have a beautiful, healthy smile – one that you can be proud of. Many “bad bite” problems affect not only the teeth, but the development and appearance of the face. Malocclusion can affect the way a person looks, talks, and chews. Discuss your particular circumstances with Dr. Patel.

What age is the best to get braces?

Teeth can be moved by orthodontic treatment at any age, but some treatments are more effective when one is younger. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an evaluation for children no later than age seven. Adult patients can very often get the same results as child patient, but in some instances the treatment will take longer. Dr. Patel can show you options for your particular circumstances.

What is Invisalign®?

One of the latest and most exciting advances for patients with malocclusion (bad bite and/or crooked teeth) is Invisalign® and the other new clear aligners. Invisalign® is the brand name for a new kind of braces that are removable and practically invisible. It is actually a series of clear aligners that you wear like an athlete wears a mouthpiece. As the treatment progresses, your teeth gradually move to fit the aligner, and then you start wearing the next aligner. Dr. Patel will design the treatment program so that by the time you are finished wearing the last aligner in the series, your teeth will have adjusted to the proper position.

Who is a good candidate for Invisalign®?

Once your permanent teeth are in, usually between the ages of twelve and fourteen, you are a candidate for Invisalign®. While teens love how invisible their orthodontic treatment can be, Invisalign® is especially popular with adults. Now it is not too late for people to address crooked teeth and bad-bite issues later in life. Before Invisalign®, some adults thought they were “too old” to have metal braces on their mouth. Ask Dr. Patel whether your dental problems can be treated with the Invisalign® technology.

What are the advantages of Invisalign®?

- Invisalign® can treat many orthodontic problems

- It is clear and practically invisible – nobody has to know you are straightening your teeth

- You can remove it out to brush and floss your teeth as normal

- You can remove it to eat and drink what you want- just put it back in when you are done

- It is very comfortable. There are no wires or brackets and no adjustments

An abscessed tooth has an infection that can only be removed by extracting the tooth or performing root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is a dental procedure designed to remove infection from the soft center of a tooth and save the rest of the tooth.

Why would someone need root canal treatment?

Some toothaches or gum pain are actually symptoms of an infection inside a tooth, called an abscess. Tooth decay and trauma can break through the hard outer layers of a tooth, exposing the inner tooth to bacteria and infection. If there is infection in the soft center of a tooth, it has to be stopped from spreading to the gums and the rest of the mouth. A spreading infection can cause damage to other teeth, your gums and jawbone, and even spread through your body. Root canal treatment removes the infection and saves the rest of the tooth.

What is a root canal?

Root canals are actually specific parts of a tooth, but usually the term, “root canal” refers to a common dental treatment designed to save a tooth. The crown of the tooth, the part you see above the gum, has a soft center filled with blood vessels and nerves. These nerves and blood vessels also run through the tooth roots, down to the gums, inside thin tunnels known as root canals. When these nerves, blood vessels and other soft tissue get infected, a condition called an abscessed tooth, infection and bacteria can travel through the root canals down to the gums. To stop the spread of infection without extracting the tooth, Dr. Patel performs a root canal treatment. The soft tissue is all removed, and the hard tissue of the tooth is cleaned and filled. The procedure is very common and can be done with minimal discomfort. Since the procedure actually saves much of the original tooth structure, it is a better, healthier option for the patient than having the tooth extracted.

What can I expect from the root canal procedure?

Root canals have really gotten a bad reputation, but for many people the procedure is not much more complicated than having a cavity filled. Dr. Patel may perform root canal treatment right in the office, or refer you to a specialist, called an endodontist. In any event, the treatment can be done quickly and comfortably.

Our tooth whitening procedure can transform your smile. In 90 minutes your teeth can be many shades whiter. Get the Smile You've Always Wanted. Our 2 part system insures long lasting great results!!! Schedule Your Teeth Whitening Appointment now to Improve the Appearance of Your Smile.

Get The Urgent Dental Care You Need. Eliminate Your Pain Now. We're Open To Emergencies. We fix Broken Teeth, Cavities, Failing Crowns, Tooth infections & More. We're Only A Few Miles Away. Call now for an immediate appointment.

Do you have a dental problem and are not sure how to handle it? We are here to help. Call us today for a comprehensive second opinion. We will include any necessary xrays, cat scans or panoramic images necessary to diagnose your dental needs.

Dentures, also called false teeth, are removable replacement teeth, made primarily from acrylic resin. If you have no healthy teeth, a complete denture gives you a brand new replacement set, while a partial denture replaces just some missing teeth. There are different types of dentures for different situations. Dr. Patel can explain which may be the best for your circumstances.

Why might I need dentures?

If you have lost some or all of your original teeth, or if they are beyond saving, your appearance and health could be at risk. Mouths that are missing teeth can be very unhealthy, and can make a face sag or develop a sunken look. This can make a person appear older than they really are. Replacing your teeth with dentures can also help you chew the foods you love, strengthen the muscles in your face, and help you pronounce words better – all the things that your original healthy teeth were designed to do.

What options do I have to dentures?

Dr. Patel can best explain your options, but for some they might include bridges, or dental implants.

What are the different kinds of dentures?

Dentures are distinguished by where they are placed, how many teeth they are replacing, and how they are held in place.

What are complete dentures?

Complete or Full dentures are replacement teeth for all the teeth in your mouth. This complete set of false teeth is appropriate when one has lost all of their teeth, or when one’s only remaining teeth are unhealthy and need to be removed.

What are partial dentures?

Partial dentures are used when only some teeth need to be replaced. The healthy teeth remain in the mouth where they can act as anchors. The partial denture firmly connects to these anchoring healthy teeth with metal attachments. Filling the gaps between the healthy teeth is important because it helps keep your teeth in alignment and can reduce decay and gum disease.

What are upper dentures?

As the name suggests, upper dentures are removable replacement teeth for the upper teeth only. Some people find these easier to adjust to than complete dentures.

What are overdentures?

Overdentures are conventional dentures used with one or more of your natural teeth as anchors. The remaining teeth are prepared to provide support for the appliance and the denture is designed to fit right over them. Overdentures require more preparation and can be more expensive than conventional dentures, but provide stabilization that makes eating easier and more comfortable.

What are conventional dentures?

Conventional Full Dentures are removable teeth replacements that are made and placed after the remaining teeth have been removed and the tissue has healed. This healing process may take six weeks to several months, during which the patient will be without teeth, or can use a temporary or immediate denture.

What are immediate dentures?

Immediate dentures are placed immediately after Dr. Patel has removed your remaining teeth. This saves the patient from going six weeks to several months without teeth as the tissues heal and the bone stabilizes. They can however require more overall visits and raise the costs of the denture procedure. Once in place, the immediate dentures actually help reduce the initial swelling from the teeth removal. After the healing process is complete, the immediate dentures will be relined to adjust their fit, or may be completely replaced by the permanent conventional dentures.

What are One-Day Dentures?

One-Day Dentures are tightly fitting dentures that require no surgical cutting and minimal discomfort. The dentures are secured into place using implants. One-Day Dentures are perfect for people who have continual problems with loose, ill-fitting traditional dentures. They are the closest thing to having your real teeth back. Best of all, you can have them done in one day.

What can I expect from the denture procedure?

Most procedures begin with the removal of existing teeth. Oral surgery is sometimes, but not always necessary to prepare the mouth for dentures. Anesthetics will be used to make sure that you remain comfortable during any of these procedures. Dr. Patel will make a wax bite impression to serve as a model for the new denture. If an immediate denture is being placed, he will make the necessary measurements before the final teeth are removed. Once the dentures are fabricated there will often be a number appointments to fine tune things like color, fit and shape.

What can I expect after I am fitted with dentures?

Dr. Patel will advise you on how to keep your new dentures clean. Cleaning your dentures and keeping them in good working order is important to helping them last for many years.

Things will certainly feel different, especially in the beginning as you adjust to your new set of teeth. At first, the dentures may feel bulky seem awkward while chewing. At this early stage, increased saliva and some discomfort is common, but should diminish over time. Denture wearers need to get used to speaking and eating with their new teeth, and this takes some time. If discomfort or fit problems persist, adjustments or new dentures may be necessary.

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MON-THUR 8:00am-5:00pm
FRI-SUN By Appointment

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95 Scranton Ave
Lynbrook New York 11563



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