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Healthcare Marketing Agency Orange County & Los Angeles County

We’ve Mastered the Art and Science Behind Search Marketing.


Search Business Group uses applied technology, data intelligence, strategic planning, set processes and adds a touch of creativity to every project to achieve realistic goals for your medical practice.

Since 1998 we’ve enhanced online presence for hundreds of healthcare professionals across the United States.

Medical Marketing Services Orange County

45 Reviews

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5 Reviews

Search Business Group as your Healthcare Marketing Agency

At Search Business Group, we dominate digital marketing mechanisms that boost your medical practice scope to more and newer patients.

Are You Looking To Take Your Healthcare Business to the Next Level?

Search Engine Optimization – SEO includes a universe of details that entails mastering artificial intelligence (AI) processing intuitiveness to optimize and canalize content data and marketing efforts. So, entering this vast universe requires a deep understanding of this far from the imaginable area, which we call “the next level in digital marketing services.”

Are You Worried About Blank Spots in Your Appointment Schedule?

With our aggressive marketing strategies, we can transform a boring calendar into a busy appointment-after-appointment patient registry.

To do what we do best, we have to get your practice rolling door spinning with actual incoming patients. But, first, we must selectively engage in business with medical specialists who share a clear goal: business growth.

Indeed, we are interested in medical professionals who understand the value of marketing in the healthcare industry, as any person values a public water utility service.


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Best Marketing and Advertising Winner
Top SEO Agency Los Angeles
Best Marketing and Advertising Winner
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Local Excellence Orange County
3 Best Marketing Agency in Orange and Los Angeles County

Let The Numbers Speak...


Google Impressions


Fill Form Requests


SEO Revenue


Calls Generated

Healthcare Marketing During the Pandemic and Beyond

77% of search engine consultations lead prospective patients to their first medical appointment, and around 68% of clicks belong to the five first organic listings. So, this is a clear picture of the importance of search engines in reaching a healthcare specialist and thus activating patient engagement.

Furthermore, 7% of all Google searches that occur in a single minute, roughly 70,000 visits, are related to healthcare searches. So, if you think this channel is not influential, we invite you to rediscover its potential for patient outreach.

In fact, can you imagine that 15% of all health-related searches are new? This means prospective patients have never made them before. Moreover, the trend has been a constant since 2013, from a base of approximately 1 trillion searches occurring annually.

So, what is the impact of all these facts? First, Google now concentrates on georeferenced SEO (local); this involves more practices investing in digital advertising but more prominently in their online reputation and authority (SEO). This results in more patients visiting the web when seeking medical information and taking the option to schedule a medical visit.

To make the healthcare on the web issue more relevant, healthcare providers said they lagged off when it comes to digital marketing knowledge, especially in contrast with other industries. Here is where Search Business Group comes to the rescue.

Every great relationship starts with a message. Hire us!

Our Healthcare Marketing Agency Core Services

We solve digital healthcare organization problems including the patient experience. Here we include some of the things we mix in your healthcare marketing plan and content marketing strategy.

We don’t deliver average, but only outstanding websites with UX, UI, and SEO spirit and always thinking about the future. Your expansion!


People are searching and looking for your healthcare services. We ensure your healthcare success by placing you at the top of search engine rankings, so they find you.

Our philosophy is that your PPC approach should generate valuable leads rather than making empty commitments. We aim to optimize your campaign return on investment by utilizing data and competitor analysis in PPC, making it effortless for you to achieve your cost-per-acquisition targets.

Our copywriting experts will make a massive impact by drafting health-related information blog posts aligned with your practice marketing goals.

Also, there is much more else when it comes to content, from interesting facts, news, graphics, pictures, and all sorts of elements to attract potential patients. 

Our branding marketing team will ensure your business stands apart from the rest and stays far from ordinary in the competitive healthcare sector marketplace.

We Are Featured In

Process are everything for us

We Create Unique Healthcare Digital Strategies Based on Data and No Guessing.

Search Business Group is a Healthcare Marketing Company built by professionals obsessed with getting a more profound scope of search results for your practice. This obsession allows us to implement and refine marketing systems that help businesses reach the next level of revenue growth.

Learn more about Search Business Group

Healthcare Providers Testimonials

“I did not have a clue about SEO until Search Business Group explains to me the reason why my website is not ranking. Now my practice receives way more phone calls and online appointments. Thank you, Guys!”

Pediatric Practice Owner

“As a practice manager our Doctor expect us to perform well in our position. But the true is I don’t know where I will be without the Search Business Group help. Their healthcare marketing knowledge bring results and the best of all, my boss is really happy!”

Emergency Practice Manager

“I have been doing business with Search Business Group for 8 years now. During this time they’ve been working with us and they have always responded to my needs in a timely manner. Always efficient, professional, creative, and always trying to correct what needs to be corrected. I am very happy with their work and I strongly recommend them.”

Veterinary Practice Owner

“Working with SBG has been great, we have seen a huge impact in our Google rankings for one of our main keywords in the first 6 months of using their services. We are looking forward to a long term relationship with them.”

Orthodontics Practice Owner

Let The Results Speak

Case Studies

Newport Beach Athletic Club

Phone Calls, Weekly Passes & Conversions up 7x

Brookhurst Animal Medical Center

Appointments, Phone Calls & Foot Traffic up 8x

Taco Bar Catering

350% Increase in eCommerce Revenue

Why Partner With Search Business Group for your Healthcare Digital Marketing Needs?

When it comes to value, Search Business Group provides more than statistically proven medical marketing strategies and creativity; partnering with us is partnering with results.

Nobody Else Has Our Healthcare Marketers Team

We analyze the medical practice, your website, your overall business performance, and the niche you’re operating in. We combine our knowledge, experience, and proprietary (AI) systems to provide a real, accurate, and clear picture to answer questions like:

  • Why is a problem happening to my healthcare website?
  • Why do I have a low conversion rate?
  • Why is my medical practice not appearing in the first search results on Google?
  • What do I do to solve the problem?

By answering all these questions and more, we will also show you; how to win wars in the medical digital world.

To do so, we help you define your problems well before you start fighting them. Yeap, we know what you think; we’re not just any old-fashioned company.

Indeed, our SEO ninjas, crazy talented copywriters, designers, and developers, and our team’s devoted work make it all happen.

Now, you can rest assured that if anyone tries to trick you, we’ll be here to protect you. So, get to know a little about what we do to get you covered.

Full Website Audit

The only way to solve a problem is to know what is causing it. So, we perform an exhaustive audit that allows us to see how your website is doing. These measures will enable us to present you with customized healthcare marketing strategies for your medical services business and formidable solutions to get back on track.

High-Performance and High-Value Website

We indeed agree that first impressions matter. At Search Business Group, we deliver a web design for your healthcare practice that is high above the standard. A functional, intuitive, and structured website with relevant content undoubtedly represents your brand and who you are in the medical industry.

SEO Campaign Management

Your SEO Campaign Management is at the core of your digital marketing strategy. This is why some marketing procedures follow a protocol and account for the success of your strategic outreach. Search Business Group will take the wheel that will lead your healthcare services to the roof of search rankings and enhance potential patient acquisition.

Review Tool Generator

Simple and fast. You can manage online reviews from current patients that have just exited your consultation. Feedback about the healthcare experience will be available to you within minutes. This tool also entails reputation management, customizable automated message patient outreach and invitations, trend monitoring, answering, and other options.

Ready To Expand Your Healthcare Brand?

Do you have a growth goal for your healthcare business? Now, you can surpass your growth objectives while enhancing the impact you can produce on your patients’ lives. Now is the moment you can start nurturing positive and powerful effects on more patients while making your medical practice grow.

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Marketing Agency Orange County

Learn More About Healthcare Marketing

What is Health Services Marketing?

Healthcare or Health Services marketing is a promotion and engagement process strategically designed to seek and attract healthcare users and consumers. It presents tailored information that suits their medical care needs and keeps satisfied patients engaged with health systems.

Nowadays, state-of-the-art digital healthcare marketing strategies are present all around the customer. These strategies pinpoint a well-defined audience (patients and healthcare consumers) with a high message patient outreach. This includes online and offline efforts with digital marketing tactics to enhance engagement and boosts business-to-consumer marketing communication and growth.

What is unique about healthcare marketing is that it offers statistically proven mechanisms to demonstrate performance. Health systems include metrics such as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Marketing Return on Investment (M-ROI).

Why is Healthcare Marketing Important?

Two driving reasons make healthcare marketing so important. First and most prominent, you can attain a higher message patient outreach of your healthcare company with proper patient care using effective marketing channels and methods like patient education. Secondly, it helps establish you and your practice as a leading brand in the market. So you will enjoy the benefits of patient loyalty.

Are You Ready to Boost Your Healthcare Brand?

Do you have a growth goal for your healthcare business? Now, you can surpass your growth goals while enhancing the impact you can produce on your patients’ lives. Now is the moment you can start nurturing positive and powerful effects on more patients while making your medical practice grow.

Is Your Healthcare Digital Marketing Updated?

There is no other prevailing reason for hiring a Healthcare Digital Marketing Agency than to get your business skyrocket to the skies. Indeed, Healthcare Digital Marketing is the N° 1 option if you decide to expand your business horizons.

Search Business Group specializes in Healthcare Marketing, helping hundreds of healthcare businesses reach the top of search engine lists and helping our customers become leaders in their medical specialties. You are just a click away from expanding your healthcare business; contact us and have an up-to-speed marketing experience.

Michelle from Dublin, OH just book a Consultation with one of our Team members.

Joshua from Dublin, OH just purchased a One-Time SEO Boost Special for his website.

👉Join over 1,000 practice owners today! Effective Healthcare Marketing Strategies for 2024 starts here!👈