Chef John Doherty has curated nutritious, high protein meals that have an 24-month shelf life for Heavenly HARVST, a 501(c)(3) organization. Each recipe consists of a variety of quality ingredients that are cooked to perfection with absolutely no preservatives or artificial flavorings. Heavenly HARVST meals offer versatility to be served in distressed communities and can be taken home for future consumption to be enjoyed at any time. These chef-curated, delicious and convenient meals are designed to bring a new level of taste and dignity to a home in need. Our hope is that families can feel proud to put this food on their table.

The Hunger Relief Program New York City Deserves

Hunger continues to be a major problem worldwide. Despite many parts of the world producing food in excess, the hunger problem continues to grow. The hunger problem isn’t isolated to extremely poor or warring parts of the world but is also affecting a large number of people right here in the US. 333 million worldwide are experiencing food security and 44 million of these people are Americans living in the US. The Heavenly HARVST Foundation’s hunger relief program New York City, was established with the aim of addressing food insecurity in New York City and now extends nationwide. Through their many food banks located throughout New York City, the foundation provides nutritious meals with long shelf lives to those that need them.

Ending World Hunger, One Meal at a Time

Created and curated by Chef John Doherty, every pre-made meal provided in our local food banks New York City program is made with high-quality ingredients. Our meals are designed to meet or exceed adult nutritional requirements. They are made without artificial flavorings or preservatives. Most importantly, the food banks’ New York City meals are packaged using cutting-edge technology. Meals are also sterilized using pressure-based processes. This ensures that more nutrients are preserved and the foods are safe to eat for up to 24 months. Our sterilization and packaging process not only enables us to serve these meals at our local Feed the Hungry New York City food banks but also to transport them to other communities in need. In fact, our local food banks New York City program has worked with Feed the Children to distribute over 125,000+ meals to cities all along the east coast, bringing health, hope, and dignity to people nationwide.

Where can I find local food banks in NYC?

Are you searching for local food banks in NYC? Whether your community needs food or you want to help feed the hungry, Heavenly HARVST Foundation’s doors are always open. From providing donations to organizing meal deliveries, you can call or email us or visit our New York City headquarters. People in need deserve nothing less than the culinary best.

people in the U.S. struggle to fight hunger
individuals struggle with food insecurity nationwide
have been provided to families by Heavenly HARVST thus far


Think Big. Act Bigger.


During the Fall and Winter seasons of 2024, our distribution efforts provided over 120,000 meals to those in need, contributing to a cumulative distribution of over 300,000 meals nationwide. Many of our meals were sent to COVID-19 relief efforts during the initial shock, but as tensions rise worldwide, we have shifted towards disaster relief efforts on top of our regularly scheduled programming.



With over 80% of your donation going directly to making a high quality, nutritious meal, every $1 counts. Help us offer affordable and easily accessible meals to those in need by donating today. Our ability to provide our meals is dependent upon your generous support.