Business Security Systems

Security Cameras, Card Access Control and Security System Installation with Service. 

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Security Systems for Business

Security Company Schaumburg, IL

Deciding on a security company for your business can be frustrating. It's a big decision, and one that should not be taken lightly. After all, its your safety at stake. Trusting just any company would not be wise, as systems from competitors that are not true security industry professionals, are known to fail.   Security companies   in Chicago  may seem like a dime a dozen, but rest assured you have reached the most professional security company serving all of Chicagoland!

We have over 20 years experience in commercial security systems.  "Hello, I'm Thomas Carnevale the founder of Chicago Security Systems.  For over 20 years I've been developing security solutions for some of the Chicago's most critical locations such as a   13,000 security camera project  for the Chicago Transit Authority, securing the United Center home of our beloved Chicago Bulls and Chicago Blackhawks to designing the security system for Chicago's Holocaust Museum.  I've dedicated my career to keeping businesses and schools safe while developing a team that put's our clients needs first with our service." 

You've decided that protecting your assets, employees, and customers is important. Let us take care of the rest.

Call us today at (708) 966-3175. 

​We bring you a wide range of services that run the gamut of commercial security systems, small business security,   door access systems,   security cameras, and much more to ensure that no matter the vision you have in mind, we have the know how and experience to turn it into reality. We know that many potential customers are daunted by the potential cost skyrocketing into the unaffordable when it comes to some of these projects, and we are here to assuage you with the knowledge that not only do we bring you industry leading experience and service, but do so at a price point that you can afford. Let’s talk! 

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Chicago Security Systems brought to you by Umbrella Technologies

Commercial Surveillance Systems

Security Company Chicago IL

Door Access Control

Access control is an integral part of any commercial building. From keyfob readers, biometric thumbprint readers, and automatic door openers, we offer extensive solutions for all of your door access needs. We are certified in a large variety of on-premise and cloud-based access control systems.  Business owners and employees can use there smart phone as a credential instead of relying on old technology like RFID or Key Fob syststems.  Being able to open a door for the cleaning crew from an app on your smart phone while your at home is a much more secure and effective way of securing your business.  Our card access control systems also can integrate with professional security camera systems, video intercom systems and mass notification systems as part of a converged security solution.

Security Cameras

Security camera systems are the most popular request, and for good reason. A security camera system provides around the clock protection and the data is great protection for when something happens, like in the case of slip and fall liability, workmen's comp, and situations dealing with the general public or internal employees. Security cameras are a must-have for any business owner serious about protecting what matters most; their assets and employees. If you're looking for security camera installation Chicago, please visit our camera page for more info.  We specialize in open-platform security camera systems that are designed with HD resolution professional grade security cameras delivering the best evidence when it matters.  We are certified in both on-premise enterprise surveillance systems that can deliver smart-search technology and cloud based security camera systems which has no on-premise server requirements.  Not all business security camera systems are created equal and we recommend businesses inlist in a professional service provider before making a decision.

Video Intercom Systems

Understanding who is coming through your front door of your business is critical to the safety of your employees and overall security of the building.  With our video intercom systems users can verify who is requesting access (by them pushing the alert button on the outside device) and see a live real-time video of the individual(s) and have a 2-way conversation with them before allowing access with a touch of a button.  Our intelligent video intercom systems designed for business, schools and condo/hoa and apartment complexes are the perfect solution for managing deliveries and keeping people and places safe. 

Emergency Notification Systems

When a security event happens businesses need to have a method of instant alerting of their people when seconds matter.  Security threats like sever weather, unauthorized personnel, active shooters or other emergency situations can be managed through software solutions that deliver instant mass text messages, taking control over computer's with custom alerts, mass emailing, audible alerts that deliver instructions to keep people calm and other solutions.  Our emergency mass notifications systems integrate with greater security technology systems like access control lock-downs, security camera systems for first responders and other custom capabilities.

Industries Served

Business Security Systems

Our Security Services

Small Business Security Systems

The security industry can be daunting and complex, but it doesn't have to be! There are many options available when it comes to Chicago security systems and protecting your home or business, especially when seeking security companies in Chicago. All applications and situations are different, so we take a comprehensive approach to ensure you get the best experience possible with a business security system in Chicago. If you own a small business and need something simple, we got you. If you have a large home and need something a bit more elaborate, trust us.

From apartments to large office complexes, we've got the skills and experience to complete your next security job successfully, including commercial alarm, commercial security systems, Security Camera Systems, video surveillance systems, camera systems, and commercial security system installers for comprehensive solutions in your area. Our expertise extends to providing commercial security camera systems that cater to your specific needs.

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Our Security Services

Small Business Security Systems

indoor and outdoor security Chicago, IL


Indoor/Outdoor Security

No matter the weather you are protected. From outdoor security cameras to interior motion detectors, your home or business needs to be protected 24/7. If a situation occurs, you need to know that the system is always working for you without any downtime. We ensure your security equipment is installed properly and by a licensed technician.

Security Company Chicago IL

Security Companies in Chicagoland


One of the leading advantages of having a security system is deterrence. It all starts with the would be "bad guy" knowing that he or she has a higher chance of getting caught. Having signage and cameras mounted in the right places will deter a crime or incident from happening in the first place.


If something does happen, can you be alerted? Can the police be automatically dispatched? These are automations that are built into even the most basic security systems today. Detecting a crime as its happening is crucial, and can be a matter of life or death sometimes.


If a crime does occur, its important to have the documentation needed for police. What was stolen? What happened? Who was it? These are all questions that can be answered with a professionally installed security system.


Do you have an existing security infrastructure in place? Or are you looking at having multiple technologies implemented simultaneously? If so, its important to hire a security integrator for the work. Integrating an alarm system, camera system, door access system can be tricky and not for the faint of heart.

Security Integration is a key part of every commercial security system. Most businesses already have some type of security system in place, so having the technology "play friendly" with that existing infrastructure is very important. We are familiar with hundreds of different security manufacturers so your system operates correctly and effectively.

Jessia M.

Chicago Security Systems helped me find the best price on a home security system. I love the phone app as its simple to use when I am out of town or just out grocery shopping.

Jessica M.

Chicago, IL

I was very impressed with their work. They were super friendly and helpful and were able to install my system in a matter of hours. I definitely recommend their services.

Nicole L.

George P.

My company has been in need of some basic security so I reached out to Chicago Security Systems. They were very professional and I had my small business protected the next day that I called.

George P.

Chicago, IL


Security Camera Systems

Security camera systems are often referred to as video surveillance. Video surveillance encompasses a wide range of camera types and styles. From bullet, lipstick, PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom), dome, 360, and more. The type of camera all depends on the view that is needed, as well as the application. For example, the side of a commercial building looking at an entranceway would be a difference security camera than a porch of a home that needs to check for packages arriving. Chicago Security Systems is one of the leading security companies in Chicago to serve your CCTV and security camera needs.

Security Alarm Systems

Alarm systems have come a long way since the early days. Even just 15 years ago we offer very different technology to meet different needs in today's world. Many of the system components such as motion detectors and door contacts remain the same, while the interface and programming of the system itself is drastically different, and much better. Touchscreens are now the norm in any security system!

Chicago Security Company

What is Electronic Security?

Electronic security refers to any electronic equipment that can perform security activities such as surveillance, access control, alarms, or incursion control on a building or area that uses mains power as well as a power backup such as a battery, etc. It comes in a variety of forms, which will be addressed further below. Chicago Security Systems is the leading security company in Chicago IL, so you can be assured that we carry only the best in electronic security systems.

Electronic Security Systems

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is the use of video cameras to send a signal to a specific location and display it on a limited number of displays. It varies from broadcast television in that the signal is not openly broadcasted, albeit point-to-point (P2P), point-to-multipoint (P2MP), or mesh wired or wireless lines may be used. Though practically all video cameras fulfill this criteria, it is most commonly applied to those used for surveillance in areas that may require monitoring, such as banks, stores, and other areas where security is required. Though videotelephony is rarely referred to as "CCTV," one exception is the use of video in distance education, where it is a valuable tool. This would be similar to the surveillance cameras seen in stores or, depending on where you live, traffic cameras found at stoplights. The system is comprised of three major components: cameras, which are used to view the area; recorders, which are used to record the video captured by the cameras; and a workstation, which is located in a remote access area and allows security personnel to monitor the state of the area they are attempting to secure.

AACS (Automated Access Control Systems) control access to places by interacting with locking devices. The system will only allow admission after the potential visitor's credentials have been validated; examples of such a system include doors that require pins or biometric information to open. These systems can not only grant or reject access, but they can also keep a log of all attempts to enter the secure area and may even inform authorities of unauthorized attempts to gain entry. It offers detection and auditing to control who may and cannot go where. They can be used in conjunction with assured physical barriers to offer delay into a secure site, or they can be used in conjunction with demarcation barriers, such as half height gates, to provide the only detection.

Intrusion Detection Systems (ID) are devices or software applications that scan a network or systems for malicious activity or policy breaches. These are systems that use sensors to detect any breaches to the guarded area; if any breaches are discovered, an alarm of some kind is triggered. This system is made up of two parts: the sensor and the Premise Control Unit (PCU), which monitors the state of the alarm system and sends the data to a distant monitoring station. The PCU also allows authorized workers to turn on and off the system. Does this sound familiar? This is the type of system employed in home security systems, with the keypad acting as the PCU.

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Chicago Security Systems Answers Your Business Security Questions

business alarm systesm Chicago, IL

If you own or run a business in the Greater Schaumburg and Chicago area, one of your main priorities should be safety. Chicago Security Systems understands how difficult it is to manage a business, but you can relax knowing that we'll take care of all of your security needs. Our team uses cutting-edge technology and cutting-edge equipment to ensure the safety and security of your people, property, and assets at all times. Allow us to install the best CCTV security cameras, alarm systems, fire protection, and other security features in your business now. We've put together answers to the most frequently asked questions so you can learn more about how our business security solutions may help you. Contact us today with any unanswered questions or to schedule your security consultation.

What Should I Look for When Buying a Commercial Alarm System?

It can be intimidating to choose a security system for your business if you're a newer company or haven't had one installed before. Chicago Security Systems' skilled team is available to make the process much easier for you. When selecting an alarm system for your business in the Greater Chicago area, there are a number of factors to consider. Your alarm system should be simple to operate so that you can rapidly arm and disarm it. You'll want to figure out what kind of contract or term you're signing. You should also look at your security company's reputation and some of its clients.

What Are the Costs of Business Security Systems?

The truth is that the cost of your security system is determined by your company's specific requirements. Although there is no one-size-fits-all solution for safeguarding your company, our team is ready to assist you in selecting the most critical features to make your workplace safe and secure. The price of your system is usually determined by the size of your institution. Our experts will be delighted to talk with you about your specific requirements and give you with a free consultation.

Is it possible for you to keep an eye on the outside of my business?

Yes. Chicago Security Systems provides the best outdoor CCTV security camera systems, including outdoor security cameras and wireless outdoor security cameras, to monitor the exterior of your business. Our 24-hour monitoring service ensures that your entire property is secure at all times. Entrances, green spaces, parking lots, and other areas can all be monitored by your outside security system.

Will I be taught how to operate my security system?

Yes, of course. When our expert team installs your new business security system, they'll show you how to use it and make sure you understand how it works. Our team is available by phone, and our technicians would be pleased to come out and see you if you have any problems. It's a good idea to have at least one person at your company who knows how to use the system at all times. In the event that you are unable to be there, we can also issue written instructions that can be retained on your property.

What Happens If Someone Triggers the Alarm By Accident?

If an employee or client accidently sets off your business alarm system, you must input your code on the keypad to turn it off. After that, you'll have to re-enable the system. If you are unable to disarm your system at the keypad, our monitoring station will contact you to ensure that everything is in order. You'll supply your password over the phone, and no more action will be taken. Our monitoring station will alert the authorities if your system is triggered and it is not an accident.

What Happens If There Is No Power?

Your company security system features a battery backup in case of a power loss. This ensures that the basic system components will continue to function on the batteries for an extended amount of time. Almost all power outages are repaired fast, so you'll almost never be without a functioning security system. If you are not at your place of business and have sensitive objects such as medical equipment, a large food freezer, or special pets on your property, your system can be configured to send a power failure signal to the monitoring station. To learn more about our emergency backup procedure, call Chicago Security Systems.

What is the difference between monitored and local alarm systems?

A local alarm system is one that only sounds on-site and does not notify anyone about alert incidents. If you're trying to secure your place of business, this is not a good idea. A monitored alarm system employs sensors and automatically transmits alarm occurrences to our 24-hour monitoring center. The monitoring station will receive coded information, and police, fire, and medical officials will be contacted. A monitored alarm system for your business is the best option since it can protect your system at all hours of the day and night, even if no one is around.

Will installing a security system save me money on my insurance?

Yes, in a lot of circumstances. If you have a monitored alarm system installed and operating properly, most insurance providers will give you significant discounts. Because businesses with security systems are less likely to file insurance claims for theft, break-ins, and other similar incidents, they are less likely to file insurance claims. Check with your insurance company for particular information on any money you may save. In some circumstances, the expense of installing a commercial security system will pay for itself through the savings in insurance premiums. Many insurance companies demand that you have a working security system.

Is a landline required for alarm monitoring?

No, there are a variety of solutions for your business's security system. Internet monitoring, as well as cellular transmitters, have become popular options. Our experts will be pleased to assist you in determining the best choice for keeping your system connected to our monitoring station at all times. Each choice has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. If a phone line is broken, for example, it will be unable to connect with the central station, but a siren will sound at your business in the event of an alarm. If you're thinking about switching phone carriers, double-check that their service is compatible with your company's security system.

What Are the Benefits of a CCTV System for My Business?

Protect your employees, visitors, facilities, inventory, and business assets with a commercial CCTV system. A CCTV system records occurrences on camera, which you can look back to in the future and use as proof if necessary. CCTV systems from Chicago Security Systems can help you keep an eye on your business even when you aren't there. Any smartphone, tablet, or computer can use our remote watching capability. In many circumstances, video cameras installed in your place of business have shown to be an excellent crime deterrent. They're also a useful tool for law enforcement in the event that an inquiry is needed.

Is it possible for me to control who has access to my company?

Yes. For extra security, Chicago Security Systems offers access control systems. You'll be able to grant or deny access to various parts of your company. Our company security solutions enable you to restrict access to sensitive sections of your organization, track or record access across your facility, do auditing, and keep track of staff time and attendance records, among other things. You'll also save money by eliminating the need for keys and avoiding costly re-keying when an employee leaves. To learn more about what we can do for you, please contact us immediately.

Can Our Elevators Be Monitored by Chicago Security Systems?

Yes, we certainly can. Our elevator monitoring system communicates with our 24-hour central station, where our operators determine the building and elevator location. If the emergency phone is used, we'll be able to locate it quickly and simply so that emergency professionals may be dispatched right away. Elevators are an essential feature of many companies in the Vancouver area. It's critical to keep an eye on them at all times to safeguard the safety of your visitors and employees.

Will My Security System Monitor For Fires?

Fires may be disastrous to any business, but with our fire alarm systems and alarm monitoring, we can detect fires early and reduce damage. Our fire alarm systems are properly installed and monitored 24 hours a day. We can also install fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, so you can be assured that you're getting the best. For businesses that must adhere to local fire building and occupancy rules, Chicago Security Systems provides licensed fire alarm monitoring. Installation, 24-hour monitoring, regular test signals, annual inspections, and repair and maintenance are all included in our fire alarm detection and monitoring service. No matter what industry you’re in, protecting your property and employees from fires is critical.

Contact the experienced team at Chicago Security Systems today to find out how we can make your place of business more safe and secure.

Security Companies


There are so many to choose from am I right? Security companies come and go, but we have been doing security system installation for over 20 years. We service a variety of industries from education, cannabis, healthcare, manufacturing, distribution, retail, transportation, hospitality, logistics, and more. There are many security companies in Chicago, but you can trust we are the only true security company you need.

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Business Security Systems

Our sole focus is business security systems. In commercial buildings, business security cameras are the most common applications. Often coupled with security cameras is access control. Access control is a core component in commercial security systems. The big 3 security system foundational pillars are security cameras, access control, and burglar alarm systems.

Commercial Access Control Systems

Most large commercial businesses have some form of access control on their buildings. Typically it is in the form of key cards, key fobs, or wirelessly via a mobile device for access into the building or certain rooms.

Access control is a crucial part of maintaining security for a commercial building. Restricting the control of in and out foot traffic as well as vehicle traffic is key. Having an access control system in place, coupled with video surveillance, not only deters bad situations from occurring, but if they do, you have the documentation to refer to via the security cameras. CCTV and access work together harmoniously. If you'd like to learn more about how access control can help your business, please schedule an onsite risk assessment with us.

Business Security for Chicagoland

From Security Camera Systems to Access Control We Do It All.

Commercial Security System Installation

Chicago Security Systems, as an authorized service provider and a Honeywell® Security Products Dealer, provides a wide range of custom-designed security systems and commercial security services for virtually any business. We have experience protecting businesses of all sizes in a wide range of industries, including banks, law enforcement agencies, convenience stores, and hospitals.

We will come to your location to conduct a free security audit. Not all businesses are the same, and not all businesses require the same types of commercial security services. Once we have determined your company's needs, we can put together a fair and comprehensive proposal for the cost of your security system.

Our licensed, professional staff can handle all of your commercial security needs, including:


Chicago Security can easily log when an employee is operating the system by installing a business security system with multiple user codes.

Find out more about commercial security systems.


Chicago Security has a full line of analog and IP video systems that can store video for a few days to a few months.

Find out more about commercial video surveillance systems.


Chicago Security Systems has a number of access control platforms to choose from. Furthermore, our commercial access control systems are designed to scale easily as your business's security requirements change.

More information on commercial access control systems can be found here.


Your computer infrastructure is critical to the success of your business, and Chicago Security Systems offers expert network wiring and data cabling installation that is tailored to your specific networking requirements. CSS technicians with extensive experience pull and certify network cables for commercial buildings of all sizes. We collaborate with and highly recommend the IT consultants at LRS Network Support to locate access points and provide technical support for computers, servers, and networks for additional technology assistance.


CSS collaborates closely with business owners, architects, engineers, general contractors, and a variety of other trades. Throughout the construction process, we will assist in the design and implementation of security systems, fire alarms, access control systems, and video surveillance systems.

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What are the different types of commercial security systems?

There are a few common security systems that businesses can use in a commercial setting. Because not every business will require every type of system, it's a good idea to consult with an office building security systems installer who can conduct a security audit to determine a space's specific needs. The following are the most commonly used office security systems:

Access control—An access control system determines who has access to office buildings and commercial spaces, usually through the use of authorized credentials that can unlock a door.

Video surveillance and security cameras

Mounted cameras in commercial buildings allow security teams to see what's going on in key areas and monitor office security via video footage.

Alarm systems—Office security alarm systems can deter criminal activity while also alerting employees to a breach. Alarms can be linked directly to locking mechanisms and an office door security system, or they can be triggered by events on the property.

Sensors—Door contact sensors are installed in businesses to alert them when a door opens or is left ajar. Some businesses may use infrared, laser, or microwave sensors for more advanced commercial building security in high-security areas.

System of emergency and fire protection

To be compliant with current local safety requirements, commercial building security systems must have proper fire safety, such as a business fire alarm system, and emergency detection equipment installed.

Cybersecurity systems—Many businesses choose to add network security to protect proprietary information and private data. Anti-virus software, data encryption, traffic monitoring, and firewall protection are all components of commercial cybersecurity systems.

Contrasting commercial and business security systems

When comparing providers for the various components of a business security system, there are a few key things to look for. Some office building security systems offer an all-in-one experience that includes many of the systems listed above. Another option is to work with different providers who specialize in a specific type of technology. To get the most out of your commercial building security system, thoroughly examine each provider and product for:

Interoperability—A system that can easily connect to other building systems allows for greater customization and adaptation over time. A commercial building security system that can only communicate with a few third-party technology partners restricts functionality and scalability.

Ease of installation—Always inquire about the scope of deploying a new system with the installer. Look for business security systems that use standard wiring, such as our plug-and-play access control hardware, if you want to avoid a full rip-and-replace or large construction project. Similarly, ensure that the systems you select are simple to configure and set up once installed.

Maintenance costs—While initial costs are important for budgeting, don't forget to factor in long-term maintenance costs for office building security systems. Compare the fees for regular onsite maintenance and the average cost of software upgrades for on-premise systems. Review the monthly cost of any subscription services and consider the price difference to scale the system or add customized features.

Customer service—Although it is frequently overlooked, customer service is an important component of security infrastructure investments. Companies that are unresponsive or slow to fix system bugs can actually increase the likelihood of a breach while you wait for help.

When comparing business security system reviews, another thing to look for is whether the company is truly a best-of-breed technology provider. While an all-in-one solution may be appealing to businesses looking for a quick fix for their security issues, one-size-fits-all systems lack flexibility and limit customization. If the system lacks a key feature that you require, you will need to install third-party equipment or software, which will need to be managed separately. Alternatively, an all-in-one business security system may include more than you require, which will likely cost more than using integrated solutions from different providers.

Commercial security and access control

Electronic key card-based access systems for commercial building security systems have largely replaced or supplemented the need for human guards and receptionists over time. Key card systems, on the other hand, are difficult to manage and prohibitively expensive. According to a recent study on student keycards in the United States, 19% of students lose their access control cards each year. With replacement cards costing an average of $22, this equates to $83.6 million in annual losses. Commercial building security systems frequently include a smarter security system for business, such as a smartphone-based technology to manage access control, to avoid the security risks, hassle, and cost of people sharing and losing their key cards.

The use of biometric two-factor authentication for high-security areas is a growing trend in commercial access control systems.

To verify your identity, biometric access control systems use fingerprints, retina scans, or facial recognition software. These strategies improve the effectiveness of commercial access control and door lock systems by removing the threat of access card theft and requiring more advanced identification than simply having a credential on hand.

For example, our solutions make use of the biometric scanning technology built into smartphones, which are already in your and your employees' pockets. Before granting access, it requests a fingerprint or facial scan on your employees' or guests' smartphones. That way, you can be certain that only the appropriate people have access.

We offer the best business security system, especially for organizations that want to use cloud-based, mobile access control. The access control system can be managed remotely, which is a great way to reduce enterprise security overhead. Our access control was built with a truly open architecture, integrates seamlessly with other commercial building security systems via open API and mobile SDKs. This enables more customization and flexibility, as well as automations across the entire office security system, including other locations.

Best video surveillance for commercial buildings and offices

Security cameras are an excellent investment for office buildings because they provide a visual component to the security strategy. Security experts recommend using a cloud-based video management system (VMS) to monitor, organize, and store the footage as a best practice. The ability to view video surveillance from anywhere, often in real-time, is one of the advantages of a cloud-based solution. This means that a security team at a headquarters in Milwaukee could log into the VMS and monitor live activity at a Chicago office.

A lower insurance rate is another advantage of having a video surveillance system. The presence of a video security system indicates that a company is going above and beyond to ensure safety. Water damage, break-ins, and fire insurance premiums are typically lower for businesses that have security cameras.

A video surveillance system that is interoperable with other security systems, such as access control, is the best for business security. Open platforms makes it simple to integrate with leading VMS providers such as Cisco Meraki, Milestone, AVA, Qumulex, and Rhombus Systems. By linking real-time video with entry activity, access control and video surveillance provide enhanced asset protection. VMS integrations also allow for more detailed audit trails, which provide powerful insights for increasing ROI, improving space management, enforcing social distancing, and establishing better overall security posture.

On the security camera manufacturer side, we recommend brands such as AVCostar, Axis, and Vivotek just to name a few.

A real-time forced entry is one application for an integrated VMS and access control system. If an unauthorized person attempts to enter a door, the access control system notifies the security team. With an integrated system, the security camera pointing to that door shows what's happening in real time, as well as identifying the exact location of the incident and capturing an image of the person attempting to enter. This enables security teams to respond quickly and appropriately, assisting them in determining who is at the door and how to proceed.

An integrated access control and video surveillance system can also be used to automate workplace occupancy tracking. Without integration, a video camera can provide a visual of who is in the office and when, but it cannot limit access. Administrators can set capacity limits using the Occupancy Dashboard when integrated with the access control system. Once the VMS detects which spaces are full, it can automatically disable access to enforce social distancing.

Installing and integrating video door readers with commercial video surveillance systems provides businesses with a more comprehensive view of what's going on in their facility. The remote reader enables security teams to remotely monitor all access activity from the point where access-related events occur: at the door.

Business security alarm systems

When it comes to office security, the best commercial alarm systems for intrusion detection are those that do more than just detect unauthorized access and notify authorities. Because they provide more comprehensive solutions, ADT consistently ranks among the top commercial alarm systems. ADT's commercial security systems include additional safety components in addition to office intruder alarms. You can add a business fire alarm system and receive environmental alerts in the event of a natural disaster. In addition, ADT's business security alarm systems include a variety of sensors and business cybersecurity products for added security.

While individual security products are preferable to none, having commercial security systems that can communicate with one another results in a stronger, more secure building. One of the advantages of the ADT commercial alarm system is that it can be integrated with mobile access control and managed remotely via a convenient app. Security teams can view real-time access activity as well as alarm status in the cloud, as well as create automations to reduce false alarms and improve response time. For larger buildings and enterprise organizations, integrated business security alarm systems enable greater automation and ROI across the entire operation.

If the system detects an unauthorized user attempting to unlock the door, it can automatically activate the ADT alarm and send security alerts to the appropriate personnel. Admins can easily see who was attempting to enter that door in the dashboard and remotely disable the alarm and even unlock the door if necessary, reducing the possibility of paying fees for a false alarm. The integration with cloud-based access control would also enable administrators to remotely trigger a door unlock to let employees out or first responders in.

In addition to cloud integration, the security system can be configured to disarm security alarm systems. Integrate your business security alarm systems via physical wiring by contacting an alarm system provider and requesting a dry relay connection to the system. When an authorized access event is detected and a security alarm system provider is connected to the provider, the system is able to disarm the alarm.

Smart office and commercial space cybersecurity

The Internet of Things (IoT) is integrating systems that previously operated independently and without communicating with one another, paving the way for smart office security systems. In terms of office security, IoT-connected solutions allow teams to monitor and manage entire systems—such as your access control solution, surveillance cameras, burglar alarms, business fire alarm systems, office entry security systems, employee records, energy conservation systems, lighting systems, HVAC systems, smart coffee maker, and other systems—from a single, cloud-based control hub.

More business owners are beginning to recognize the benefits of smart office technology. Consider what a smart office could do if there was a fire: Activate the commercial fire alarm and sprinkler system. Please contact the fire department. Notify the appropriate management personnel. Close the fire doors to areas of the office where sensitive equipment and records are kept. Maintain key doors open so that occupants can exit the building. To clear smoke from the premises, activate a fire ventilation system. Use surveillance cameras to help the fire department locate people who are trapped inside the building. Of course, a system like this necessitates the highest levels of end-to-end encryption and multi-factor authentication to ensure that only authorized users can access it.

Cybersecurity strategies and IT-managed networks are excellent for data protection, whereas physical security monitoring, such as access control, aids in the protection of the physical components associated with logical security. Along with cloud-based commercial security systems, server access control and encryption will continue to advance. Using highly encrypted cloud-based systems like we offer ensures that businesses are running on the most up-to-date technology, with software updates pushed live instantly over-the-air. An on-premise commercial building security system, on the other hand, will necessitate manual software updates at each location or server whenever there is an upgrade.

Most businesses today are looking for the best business security system that provides much more than locks and a control panel. For business security, an alarm system, access control, video surveillance, and sensors are required, as is easy integration with existing systems.

Some businesses require a customized security system, one that caters to their specific needs, in addition to checking off the list of basic security requirements. Some businesses may prioritize a robust, fortress-like security system with high-tech equipment and 24/7 professional monitoring, whereas others may prioritize cost-effective solutions with DIY installation. Our commercial security system reviews below provide a variety of options based on budget, installation options, subscription service, and interoperability.

Wherever your company falls on the spectrum of security requirements, it is critical to consider access control as an important component of your commercial building security system. The access control systems that we offer are an excellent choice for cloud-based access control because they easily integrate with many of the leading security providers, resulting in a frictionless user experience.

Speak with one of our experts to get an access control demo and learn more about how we can help your company.

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